Sosialisasi PMTB, PODES, SUTAS, di Radio Abirawa 99,5 FM Batang - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Batang Regency

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Sosialisasi PMTB, PODES, SUTAS, di Radio Abirawa 99,5 FM Batang

Sosialisasi PMTB, PODES, SUTAS, di Radio Abirawa 99,5 FM Batang

April 12, 2018 | BPS Activities

Statistical of Batang Regency (BPS) conducted socialization of disaggregation survey of gross fixed capital formation (PMTB), Village Potential Survey (PODES) and census farm survey (SUTAS).
The socialization was held on Thursday (12/4) at Radio Abirawa 99.5 FM Batang, presenting the Head of BPS Batang as a guest speaker accompanied by 2 District Statistics Coordinator (KSK), Amat Tohirin KSK Kec. Limpung and Anggi Anggraeni KSK Kec. Bandar.
On the occasion, Head of BPS Batang Ibu Tina Wahyufit said that "In accordance with the main tasks and functions, BPS is obliged to provide data for government, business, and community needs," the data obtained through census and survey activities. he said.
For example from the results of the PMTB survey is one of the benefits of facilitating in planning and economic growth in more detail so that more accurate. Meanwhile, from SUTAS2018 data collection activities will get an estimate of the population of agricultural households by sub-sector per district / city, estimated commodity population, estimated commodity productivity and livestock population parameters. While PODES is the only activity that is able to record the territorial database to the level village.
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