April 23, 2020 | BPS Activities
On Thursday (23/04), BPS of Batang Regency, represented by the Head of Social Section Een Qurotul Aeni, KSK Batang Arief Budiman and KSK Blado Lusi Noviana paid a visit to Batang and Blado Districts in the framework of Coordinating Village Statistics Staff (Pedistic Pedes). Bistik Pedes is a continuation of sectoral statistical guidance that has been carried out by Batang Regency BPS since 2018. The existence of a corona pandemic is not a barrier to improving data quality from the village level through this technical guidance. This would increase creativity and fighting spirit by adhering to the protocol in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Batang (Statistics of Batang Regency)Jl.Pemuda No. 90 Batang Telp (62-85) 391004
Faks (62-85) 391004
Mailbox : bps3325@bps.go.id
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