August 18, 2021 | BPS Activities
August 16 - September 8, 2021 is the time span for enumeration of the National Labor Force Survey National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas). Sakernas it is one of the most important sources of employment data in Indonesia. The Sakernas data is widely used by various groups, both domestically and abroad. Therefore, the continuity, availability, and quality of Sakernas data must be maintained and improved.
In the August 2021 Sakernas, the questionnaires used in general still refer to the February 2021 Sakernas questionnaires, however, improvements were made and several questions were added.
In general, the purpose of collecting the Sakernas August 2021 data is to provide sustainable basic employment data. In particular, Sakernas aims to obtain estimated data on the number of working people, the number of unemployed, other employment indicators, as well as representative developments at the national and provincial levels. In addition, the August 2021 Sakernas also has a specific purpose to collect information related to the impact of Covid-19 on employment in Indonesia.
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