Unity Women's Dharma Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Batang Regency

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Unity Women's Dharma Meeting

Unity Women's Dharma Meeting

July 12, 2024 | BPS Activities

On Friday (12/07) the Dharma Wanita Association of BPS Batang Regency held a routine meeting and gathering between DWP members at the Batang Regency BPS Hall. The members of the Batang Regency DWP are the wives of ASN employees at BPS Batang Regency as well as female ASN employees who have declared themselves willing to become members.
This meeting was officially opened by the Head of BPS Batang Regency, Heni Djumadi. In his direction, Djumadi expressed his thanks to the DWP members who had attended the routine meeting. Apart from that, DWP also acts as a support system for husbands or "fathers" who work at BPS Batang Regency so that they are always enthusiastic in carrying out their duties as civil servants at BPS Batang Regency.
The event continued with remarks from the Chairperson of the DWP BPS Batang Regency, Mrs. Heni Djumadi, reading reports from the treasurer, and routine social gatherings.
After holding the routine meeting, the Chairman of the DWP BPS Batang Regency together with all the members/management carried out visits to the homes of employees who were sick. This presence is a form of concern and empathy from the Chairman of the Batang Regency DWP BPS together with members, to other members who are sick, so that Allah SWT can immediately heal them so that it can be an encouragement to get well soon and return to their normal activities.
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