Knowledge Sharing related to the use of SPSS, R applications, and introduction to SQL - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Batang Regency

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Knowledge Sharing related to the use of SPSS, R applications, and introduction to SQL

Knowledge Sharing related to the use of SPSS, R applications, and introduction to SQL

July 31, 2024 | Other Activities

Located in the office hall, on Wednesday (31/07) BPS Batang Regency held a routine RESIIK activity, namely the Asiik Evaluation Meeting which was integrated with SHAMAWA (Knowledge SHAring full Benefits and Insights) regarding the use of SPSS Applications, R Applications, and the introduction of SQL (Structured Query). Language). The RESIIK agenda was attended by all employees and work practice (internship) students from STIS Police and Gadjah Mada University (UGM).

Before implementing SHAMAWA, BPS Batang Regency gave awards to the best employees for the second quarter of 2024. Based on performance assessment measurements, Ayu Tiara Ashar Putri, S.Tr.Stat was selected as the best employee for the second quarter of 2024. This selection of exemplary employees aims to motivate the employees. employees to be able to always provide the best service and contribute positively to the organization.

On this occasion, the Head of BPS Batang Regency, Heni Djumadi, conveyed the message that knowledge sharing does not guarantee success in achieving performance targets. However, not trying it is a guarantee of failure. Through this activity, it is hoped that it can reduce dependence on certain employees and the risk of losing knowledge if someone leaves the organization.

The integration of the SHAMAWA program with regular RESIIK meetings is an effort that has been ongoing on an ongoing basis. Implementation of this activity is important for improving organizational performance and a work culture that is oriented towards excellent service.
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