The Youth Pledge is a national pledge formulated through a decision of the Second Youth Congress in Jakarta on 27-28 October 1928. This pledge is a national statement of Indonesian youth from various regional, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, uniting their belief that the blood, nation, and language of unity: Indonesia.
Not only the spirit of unity is contained in the Youth Pledge,
the role of youth is also recorded in the history of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence in 1945. The spirit of youth of the Indonesian nation did not fade away when Indonesia became independent. The youth movement continues to fight against the dictatorship of the nation's leaders so that it succeeded in overthrowing the New Order in 1998 which also ushered in the Indonesian nation into the reform era.
Based on the 2023 Indonesian Youth Statistics Publication, the percentage of Youth (Population aged 16-30 years) in Central Java Province in 2023 was 21.95 percent. In terms of marital status, 35.57 percent of youth are married, including marriages that are not legally registered.
Education and work activities are seen as productive activities because they provide added economic value. By working, youth can earn wages/income. Meanwhile, by pursuing education, youth are expected to receive income returns when they work later. Around 26.20 percent of youth in Central Java Province are recorded as actively participating in formal education/still in school. Meanwhile, 57.23 percent of youth are working.
Happy Youth Pledge Day. Moving Forward Together with Greater Indonesia.