Fill in the SPO of the Regent of Batang - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Batang Regency

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Fill in the SPO of the Regent of Batang

Fill in the SPO of the Regent of Batang

February 17, 2020 | BPS Activities

Dalam rangka Sensus Penduduk Online yang telah mulai dilaksanakan sejak 15 Februari, BPS Kabupaten Batang berkunjung ke rumah dinas Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Batang pada Senin (17/2/2020). Tidak hanya itu, dalam kesempatan ini hadir juga Kepala Disdukcapil, Kepala Dinas Sosial, dan Kepala Diskominfo. In the context of the Online Population Census that began on 15 February, BPS in the Batang Regency visited the official residence of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Batang on Monday (2/17/2020). Not only that, on this occasion also attended the Head of Disdukcapil, Head of Social Services, and Head of Dissemination and Information. Guided by Ir. Sri Diastuti, MM. (Head of BPS Production Statistics of Central Java Province), the Regent and his family successfully conducted a population census online.
On this occasion also, the Regent of Batang invites all residents of Batang to do SP online. Residents are encouraged to participate and fill information honestly and truthfully because the results of SP2020 will greatly determine the development policy, especially in Batang District.
In collecting SP2020 data, BPS uses 2 (two) stages, namely an independent census with an online system which was carried out on February 15 to March 31, 2020 and enumeration of the population in the field in July 2020. SP2020 online can be accessed via census.bps.go .id by entering the NIK and Family Card Number.
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