Declaration of BPS Integrity Zone of Batang Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Batang Regency

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Declaration of BPS Integrity Zone of Batang Regency

Declaration of BPS Integrity Zone of Batang Regency

June 18, 2020 | BPS Activities

Thursday (18/6) BPS of Batang Regency held the Declaration of Integrity Zone towards a corruption free area (WBK). The declaration was also witnessed by the Deputy Regent of Batang Suyono, Head of the Department of Communication and Information, Regional District Inspector of Batang, Head of the Batang District Court, the Batang District Prosecutor's Office and representatives of the Batang Police Chief. In his remarks, BPS Head of Batang Eddy Prawoto said that the target of bureaucratic reform in BPS was that BPS was clean and accountable, effective and efficient, had quality public services and produced accurate statistical data. Deputy Regent of Batang, Suyono welcomed this proclamation and appreciated. "The declaration of the Integrity Zone is a good first step because BPS is producing data that is used by the local government as one of the considerations for formulating policies," said Deputy Regent Suyono.


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