April 2, 2024 | Other Activities
The month of Ramadan is a month full of blessings for Muslims all over the world. Apart from fasting, Ramadan is also the right time to increase good deeds, including giving alms. Sharing in the month of Ramadan is an act of worship that is loved by Allah SWT and is a way to get closer to Him.
On Tuesday (02/04), through the Change Ambassador Ramadan Sharing program, BPS Batang Regency provided compensation to the Aisyiyah Umar bin Khottob Orphanage. Compensation in the form of cash was handed over by the Head of BPS Batang Regency, Heni Djumadi, and received by the secretary of MKS PDA Batang Regency, Mrs. Riskiyah.
On that occasion Heni Djumadi also gave a message and helped motivate the orphanage children to always have dreams and try to achieve them. He saw that the orphanage children had great potential to achieve their dreams.
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