LF SP2020 Socialization and Statistics Love Village (Beautiful Village) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Batang Regency

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LF SP2020 Socialization and Statistics Love Village (Beautiful Village)

LF SP2020 Socialization and Statistics Love Village (Beautiful Village)

June 7, 2022 | BPS Activities

In order to support the success of the 2020 Advanced Population Census (Long Form 2020 Population Census), the Central Bureau of Statistics of Batang Regency held a Socialization of the 2020 Advanced Population Census as well as the Declaration of the Cinta Statistics Village (Desa Cantik) in 2022. The activity was held on Tuesday (07/06 /2022) at the Batang Regent's Hall.
The socialization was officially opened by Pj. The Regent of Batang, represented by the Assistant for General Administration, Sugeng Sudiharto, S.Sos., M.M., and attended by all Camats in Batang Regency and several OPD Heads. The event continued with the declaration of the Village of Cinta Statistik (Cantik) which was marked by the signing of a charter by the Acting. The Regent of Batang, represented by Sugeng Sudiharto, S.Sos., M.M. (Assistant for General Administration), Eddy Prawoto (Head of BPS for Batang Regency), Wahyono (Head of Wates Village), and Mukmin (Head of Brokoh Village).
Furthermore, the delivery of material by resource persons led by Drs. Ahmad Zaini, M.Si. as moderator. Triossy Juniarto, S.I.P., as the Head of the Batang Regency Communication and Information Office, invited the Camat to jointly oversee LF SP2020 activities in their respective regions. Eddy Prawoto as Head of the Batang Regency BPS explained that the implementation of the Advanced SP2020 aims to provide Indonesian demographic parameters and characteristics such as death rate, birth rate, population movement, disability, housing, education and so on. It is hoped that through this socialization activity, the collaboration between the local government and BPS Batang Regency can be better, mutually supportive, so that field implementation can run smoothly and the data obtained is of quality data. Quality SP2020 data is the foundation for development planning and government policy making for the next 10 years.
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