*Happy National Education Day 2024*
Data friends, National Education Day is a momentum to honor the birth of Ki Hajar Dewantara on May 2 1889. As an educator, Ki Hajar Dewantara fought for the right to education for everyone regardless of social status or economic background. He views that education is a human right that can be accessed by every individual.
Throughout his journey, Ki Hajar Dewantara has made a major contribution, one of his most well-known achievements was establishing Taman Siswa in 1922, an educational movement that focused on education that was more open, inclusive and relevant to the needs of society at that time.
National Education Day was first celebrated in 1959. This celebration aims to remind the importance of education in building the nation and emphasizes that every citizen has the right to receive a decent education. Since then, every year on May 2, Indonesia celebrates National Education Day which aims to increase awareness of the importance of education for national development.
Meanwhile, data from the March 2023 National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) shows that the expected length of schooling in Batang Regency in 2023 will reach 12.15 years. This means that on average a seven year old child who enters formal education that year has the opportunity to attend school for 12.15 years or the equivalent of achieving a Diploma I education.
Happy National Education Day, May 2 2024. Let's continue to fight for access to quality education for all citizens because good quality education will be the key to the nation's success.