Tuesday (27/08) BPS Batang Regency held a routine RESIIK activity, namely the Asiik Evaluation Meeting integrated with SHAMAWA (Knowledge SHAring full MAnfaat and WAwasan) related to the use of the Adobe InDesign Application. The RESIIK agenda was attended by all employees and work practice students (interns) from Polstat STIS.
The first RESIK agenda was the awarding of prizes to the winners of the Indonesian Independence Day competition. Furthermore, Polstat STIS interns presented the logbook of internship activities that had been carried out from July 15 to August 16. Internship activities that have been followed include handling SEP anomalies, Sakernas supervision, KSA field activities, and a number of public relations activities. With this internship activity, it is hoped that it can provide direct work experience in the field for Polstat STIS students.
On this occasion, the Head of BPS Batang Regency, Heni Djumadi, said that the introduction of the Adobe InDesign application through a knowledge sharing session is expected to provide convenience and efficiency for employees in making various publications. Djumadi also emphasized the importance of integrating the SHAMAWA program with the RESIIK routine meeting, which has become part of the ongoing effort to improve organizational performance.
With a combination of technological mastery and performance improvement through programs such as SHAMAWA and RESIIK, BPS Batang Regency is committed to continuing to encourage innovation and efficiency in supporting its main tasks and functions, as well as playing an active role in providing the best service to the community.